
All architectural reviews are processed via TownSq. Click the link below to submit your ACC Request.


** Please note that you will need to use a laptop or desktop computer and logged in to your TownSq account during submission.

If you're not registered, you can do so by visiting the following link through a web browser All you will need is your HOA account number and property zip code. Through TownSq you can make payments, view documents, correspond with your Association Manager, and view full account detail.

TO BEGIN AN APPLICATION, please login to your TownSq profile then select the Architectural Review feature on the left-hand side menu. From there, select “Submit Project” and fill in the necessary fields. Once the form has been completed, click “Save” at the top right of the screen to submit the project for immediate review. You also can upload any files or pictures you may have during this process (strongly encouraged). Once your project has been submitted, simply log back in to see the status of your request in real time, anytime!

Remember that a full and complete application containing all pertinent information will maximize the chances of your application being processed quickly however, the Committee is allowed UP TO 30 FULL DAYS to respond and will aim to provide verdicts as expeditiously as possible.